The meaning and usage of the word(back是什么意思/back的用法)
The meaning and usage of the word
- 作名词
- 指婴儿或小孩:这是“baby”最常见的用法,比如“She just had a baby.”(她刚生了个宝宝。) ;“The baby is crying.”(宝宝在哭。) 还可以用于表达父母对成年子女的怀旧或喜爱之情,像“Our baby has gone off to college.”(我们的宝贝去上大学了。)
- 指幼小动物:“a bird and its babies”(一只鸟和它的幼鸟 );“You should never get between a mother bear and her baby.”(你绝不能处于母熊和它幼崽之间。)
- 表示某群体中最年轻的成员:“He is the baby of the family.”(他是家里最小的。) ;“At 57, Young is the baby of the bunch.”(57岁的杨是这群人中最年轻的。)
- 形容行为幼稚的人:“When it comes to getting shots, Im a real baby.”(一提到打针,我就像个小孩子一样怕。) ;“Dont be such a baby — youll get your turn.”(别这么孩子气,轮到你会有机会的。)
- 表示某人特别负责、成就或感兴趣的事物:“The project was his baby.”(这个项目是他的心血。)
- 俚语中,可指女孩、女人 ,或男孩、男人,常用于称呼:“Hey baby, nice car!”(嘿,帅哥/美女,车不错啊! );也可作为亲昵称呼 ,“Hey baby. How was your day?”(嘿,宝贝,你今天过得怎么样?)
- 作形容词
- 表示与婴儿有关的:“a baby bonnet”(婴儿帽);“baby clothes”(婴儿服装)
- 表示比通常小得多的:“baby carrots”(小胡萝卜 );“a baby grand piano”(小型三角钢琴) ;“take baby steps”(一小步一小步地走 ,也可表示循序渐进)
- 作动词
- 表示过度呵护、溺爱:“Stop babying your only child.”(别再溺爱你的独生子了。)
- 表示小心对待:“He was babying his injured foot.”(他在小心翼翼地对待受伤的脚。)
“Baby”在不同语境下含义丰富,需要根据具体情境来准确理解和运用 。除了“baby”,在英语中“treasure”“darling”“sweetheart”“honey”等词也常用于表达类似“宝贝”的亲昵含义,它们也各自有着不同的使用场景和情感侧重。
1. The word "back" is an English word that can be used as a noun, meaning the back, behind, or posterior of a person or animal; it can also refer to the back of a garment or the spine. As an adverb, "back" generally indicates movement in a backward direction or towards the back of something.
2. "Back" is a commonly used and simple English word that is frequently encountered in everyday spoken language. It is essential to understand and master its various usages and collocations. Let's explore the meaning and usage of the word "back" in detail.
3. Back is an adjective that describes something as being related to the past, old, or outdated. It can also refer to an amount of money that is owed and not yet paid.
4. The word "back" has several collocations and phrases, including:
- "Set back": To delay, postpone, or hinder.
- "Give back": To return something that was lent or given.
- "Fall back": To retreat or move backwards, or to fall over backwards.
- "Go back on..": To break a promise or agreement.
- "Ride back": To return by horseback, bicycle, or vehicle.
- "Run back": To run back to a previous location.
- "Walk back": To walk back to a previous location.
5. Here are some example sentences using "back" in both English and Chinese:
- "The photographers drew back to let us view the body." (摄影师们退后让我们查看尸体。)
- "The rail company said it expected services to get slowly back to normal." (铁路公司表示,他们预计服务将逐渐恢复正常。)
- "Or the back of your knee?" (或者是你的膝盖后面?)
- "How far back should I have to go? Tell me." (我需要退多远?告诉我。)
- "Short skirts are back." (短裙又流行起来了。)
- "Nick looked back over his shoulder and then stopped, frowning." (尼克回头看了眼,然后停下来,皱起了眉头。)
- "Meanwhile, back in London, Palace Pictures was collapsing." (与此在伦敦,皇宫影业公司正在崩溃。)
- "You eat her food, enjoy her hospitality, and then criticize her behind her back." (你吃着她的食物,享受着她的款待,然后在背后批评她。)