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      - Kung Fu Panda:This animated film tells the story of a panda named Po who dreams of becoming a kung fu master. Despite his initial doubts and challenges, Po learns the true meaning of kung fu and inner strength, eventually defeating a powerful enemy and saving his village。

      - The Grandmasters:Directed by Karwai Wong, this movie depicts the life of kung fu master Ye Wen. It showcases the legend of various martial arts during the Republic of China, with emphasis on the moves and spirits of different Kung Fu branches。


      - Forrest Gump:Forrest Gump is a simple man with a low IQ, but he achieves great things in life. He becomes a college football star, a war hero, a ping-pong champion, and a successful businessman. The movie is known for its inspiring story and famous line, "Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get."

      - Roman Holiday:A princess on a goodwill tour of Rome escapes from her duties and spends a day with a newspaper journalist. They have a fun and romantic adventure together, but in the end, she must return to her responsibilities. This classic movie is a timeless tale of love and duty。






      Kill Bill

      This movie shows us the beauty of killing and revenge. But what is behind it, the movie generously gives the right to us to decide.

      Some people think that the bride will feel at loss when she kills Bill, the ultimate person of her revenge. But in my point of view, only the killing of Bill can free her soul from the revenge which has taken her mind completely. After that, her heart then can once again open for love and life.

      Just imagine when everything of your life is taken away, what can you do? Revenge. This is a great challenge to our moral principles and laws which are against killing and think highly of the beauty of forgiveness. But what is forgiveness? Only when he is paid for his behavior, he can be forgiven.


      剧情梗概  新娘(乌玛·瑟曼饰)曾经是致命毒蛇暗杀小组(D.I.V.A.S)的一员,企图通过结婚脱离血腥的生活。但是她的前同僚(汉纳、刘玉玲、薇薇卡·A·福克斯、迈克尔·马德森等人扮演)以及所有人的老板比尔(大卫·卡拉丁饰)的到来破坏了这一切。“比尔,”新娘请求说,“我怀孕了,是你的孩子。”但是回答她的是“砰”的一声枪响!4年后她在一家医院醒来,就立刻开始着手一次从得克萨斯到冲绳、东京以及墨西哥的复仇之旅,为了一个目标她要大开杀戒。“当我到达目的地之后,我将杀死比尔。”

